Certificates Management Guide¶
Audience: Hyperledger Fabric network admins
This guide provides overview information and details for a network administrator to manage certificates (certs) in Hyperledger Fabric.
Prerequisites and Resources¶
The following Fabric documentation resources on identities, Membership Service Providers (MSPs) and Certificate Authorities (CAs) provide context for understanding certificate management:
Key Concepts¶
Registration – A username and password pair, stored in the Certificate Authority (CA). This registration is created by a CA admin user, has no expiration, and contains any required roles and attributes.
Enrollment – A public/private key pair and an X.509 certificate issued by the organization's Certificate Authority (CA). The certificate encodes roles, attributes, and metadata, which represent an identity in a Fabric network. An enrollment is associated with a CA registration by username and password.
Identity - A public certificate and its private key used for encryption. The public certificate is the X.509 certificate issued by the CA, while the private key is stored out of band, on a secure storage.
TLS - A public Transport Layer Security (TLS) Certificate that authorizes client and node communications. On Fabric, registration and enrollment are the same for X.509 Certificates and TLS Certificates.
Certificate Types¶
Hyperledger Fabric implements two types of certificates: 1) Enrollment Certificates for identities and 2) TLS Certificates for node and client communications.
Enrollment Certificates¶
Enrollment Certificates are classed into four types:
- Admin
- Peer
- Orderer
- Client
Each Enrollment Certificate type has a specific role:
Admin: X.509 Certificates used to authenticate admin identities, which are required to make changes to Fabric configurations.
Peer: X.509 Certificates used to enroll peer nodes, located physically on the node or mapped to the node. For a Fabric peer node to start, it must have a valid Enrollment Certificate with the required attributes.
Orderer: X.509 Certificates used to enroll orderer nodes, located physically on the node or mapped to the node. For a Fabric orderer node to start, it must have a valid Enrollment Certificate with the required attributes.
Client: X.509 Certificates that allow signed requests to be passed from clients to Fabric nodes. Client certs define the identities of client applications submitting transactions to a Fabric network.
TLS Certificates¶
TLS Certificates allow Fabric nodes and clients to sign and encrypt communications. A valid TLS Certificate is required for any channel communication.
Certificate Expiration¶
Enrollment and TLS Certificates are assigned an expiration date by the issuing Certificate Authority (CA). Expiration dates must be monitored, and certificates must be re-enrolled before expiration. The most important certificate parameter is the Not After element, which indicates its expiration date.
Certificates and Locations¶
Organization CAs supply X.509 Enrollment Certificates for identities and the TLS CAs supply TLS Certificates for securing node and client communications.
Organization CA Certificates¶
Organization CA Root Certificates and Organization CA Admin Certificates provide authorization to interact with the certificate authority for the organization, as described below.
Organization CA Root Certificate¶
Description: Public Certificate that permits verification of all certificates issued by the Organization CA. Organization CA Root Certificates are self-signed certificates if creating a new Certificate Authority (CA), or provided by an external CA.
Location: Stored on disk in the Organization CA directory (ca-cert.pem), and copied into the channel configuration to verify identifies for the organization.
Impact if expired: A new Organization CA Root Certificate must be issued. Organization CA Root Certificates are valid for 15 years.
Organization CA Admin Certificate¶
Description: Certificate used when making admin requests to the Organization CA.
Location: Dependent on implementation:
**Note**: Each identity has a local **msp** directory structure which contains its certificate in the **signcerts** directory and its private key in the **keystore** directory. For details on the **msp** directory, refer to [MSP Structure](https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/membership/membership.html#msp-structure).
msp ├── IssuerPublicKey ├── IssuerRevocationPublicKey ├── cacerts │ └── localhost-7053.pem ├── keystore │ └── key.pem ├── signcerts │ └── cert.pem └── user
Impact if expired: The Organization Administrator cannot register new identities with the CA, but transaction traffic does not stop.
TLS CA Certificates¶
TLS CA Root Certificates and TLS CA Admin Certificates provide authorization to interact with the certificate authority for the TLS, as described below.
TLS CA Root Certificate¶
Description: Public certificate that permits verification of all certificates issued by the TLS CA. TLS CA Root Certificates are self-signed certificates if creating a new Certificate Authority (CA), or provided by an external CA.
Location: Stored on disk in the TLS CA directory (ca-cert.pem), and copied into the channel configuration to verify TLS Certificates for the organization.
Impact if expired: A new TLS CA Root Certificate must be issued. TLS CA Root Certificates are valid for 15 years.
TLS CA Admin Certificate¶
Description: Certificate used for admin requests to the TLS CA.
Location: Dependent on implementation:
msp ├── IssuerPublicKey ├── IssuerRevocationPublicKey ├── cacerts │ └── localhost-7053.pem ├── keystore │ └── key.pem ├── signcerts │ └── cert.pem └── user
Impact if expired: The Fabric Administrator will no longer be able to register TLS certificates in the TLS CA for nodes in the network.
Peer Certificates¶
A Peer Enrollment Certificate and a Peer TLS Certificate are issued for each peer in an organization.
Peer Enrollment Certificate¶
Description: Authenticates the identity of the peer node when endorsing transactions.
Location: Dependent on implementation:
org1ca └── peer1 ├── msp │ ├── admincerts │ │ └── cert.pem │ ├── cacerts │ │ └── localhost-7053.pem │ ├── keystore │ │ └── key.pem │ ├── signcerts │ │ └── cert.pem │ └── user |── tls
Impact if expired: Production outage. Peers do not start without a valid Enrollment Certificate.
Peer TLS Certificate¶
Description: Authenticates node component communication on the channel.
Location: Dependent on implementation:
org1ca/ └── peer1 ├── msp └── tls ├── cacerts ├── keystore │ └── key.pem ├── signcerts │ └── cert.pem ├── tlscacerts │ └── tls-localhost-7053.pem └── user
Impact if expired: Production outage. No communication to the peer is possible.
Orderer Certificates¶
Orderer Enrollment Certificates and Orderer TLS Certificates are issued for each ordering service node in an organization.
Orderer Enrollment Certificate¶
Description: The public key that the orderer uses to sign blocks.
Location: Dependent on implementation:
└── orderer1 ├── msp │ ├── admincerts │ │ └── cert.pem │ ├── cacerts │ │ └── localhost-7053.pem │ ├── keystore │ │ └── key.pem │ ├── signcerts │ │ └── cert.pem │ |── user └── tls
Impact if expired: Production outage. Orderers do not start without a valid Enrollment Certificate.
Orderer TLS Certificate¶
Description: TLS Certificate for the ordering node communication.
Location: Dependent on implementation:
ordererca/ └── orderer1 ├── msp └── tls ├── cacerts ├── keystore | └── key.pem ├── signcerts │ └── cert.pem ├── tlscacerts │ └── tls-localhost-7053.pem └── user
Impact if expired: Production outage. Ordering nodes are no longer allowed to participate in cluster.
Admin Certificates¶
Ordering Service Organization Channel Admin Certificates and Peer Service Organization Channel Admin Certificates are issued for each organization.
Ordering Service Organization Channel Admin Certificate¶
Description: Certificate for an organization administrator to manage ordering service and channel updates.
Location: Dependent on implementation:
ordererca/ └── ordereradmin └── msp ├── admincerts │ └── cert.pem ├── cacerts │ └── localhost-7053.pem ├── keystore │ └── key.pem ├── signcerts │ └── cert.pem └── user
Impact if expired: Transactions can continue to work successfully. Cannot modify channels from a client application or manage the orderer from the console.
Peer Service Organization Channel Admin Certificate¶
Description - Certificate for an organization administrator to manage a peer, including channel and chaincode services.
Location - Dependent on implementation:
org1ca/ └── org1admin └── msp ├── admincerts │ └── cert.pem ├── cacerts │ └── localhost-7053.pem ├── keystore │ └── key.pem ├── signcerts │ └── cert.pem └── user
Impact if expired: Transactions can continue to work successfully. Cannot install new smart contracts from a client application or manage the peer from the console.
Client Certificates¶
Description: Two types of Client Certificates are issued for each organization:
- Organization Enrollment Certificate - Authenticates the client identity for interactions with peers and orderers.
- TLS Certificate - Authenticates client communications, and only required if mutual TLS is configured.
Client Certificates expire after one year, using the Hyperledger Fabric CA default settings. Client Certificates can be re-enrolled using either command line Hyperledger Fabric CA utilities or the Fabric CA client SDK.
Impact if expired: Client Certificates must be re-enrolled before expiration or the client application will not be able to interact with the Fabric nodes.
Certificate Decoding¶
X.509 Certificates are created by an enrollment of the certificate, based on its registration. The X.509 Certificate contains metadata describing its purpose and identifying the parent CA. The cert expiration is specified in the Not After field.
The certificate details can be decoded using the OpenSSL utility:
# openssl x509 -in cert.pem -text -noout
The following example shows a decoded certificate:
Version: 3 (0x2)
Serial Number:
Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
Issuer: C = US, ST = North Carolina, O = Hyperledger, OU = Fabric, CN = orderer1ca
Not Before: Feb 4 14:55:00 2022 GMT
Not After : Feb 4 15:51:00 2023 GMT
Subject: C = US, ST = North Carolina, O = Hyperledger, OU = orderer, CN = orderer1
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
Public-Key: (256 bit)
ASN1 OID: prime256v1
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Key Usage: critical
Digital Signature
X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256